Originally Posted by LNEsMom
So I have been thinking about these two and how to distinguish them. Here is one way I have been thinking about it, with regard to DS8 and I just thought I'd see what you all think about how to tell them apart.

DS8 is HIGH energy, constantly moving, touching people, bouncing balls when available, spinning, etc. He is in OT for fine motor skill issues and sensory processing (he's definitely a seeker, but sometimes an avoider). BUT, he does not have any difficulty focusing on activities that he does not find boring and has had an exceptionally long attention span since infancy, especially for stories (and now for reading on his own). He has played chess, Monopoly, Life, etc. since he was 5 or so, all very long games that many other kids don't have the patience for. So ADHD doesn't seem to fit, IMO. At school, he always completes his work.

What does seem to fit is the idea of OEs. It is like he experiences the world more intensely than everyone else and needs to constantly interact, physically and mentally, and he is constantly questioning. He is like a sponge for any kind of learning and really NEEDS for his mind to be constantly engaged. BUT, it can be exhausting to fill that need all the time, especially when I have DS5 and DS1 to take care of as well.

So I guess, my question is: does this make sense and can anyone relate to this? Part of me thinks maybe I am just in denial about ADHD, but if it is really an attention DEFICIT, then I don't think so. Although it can appear like ADHD to others. And if you do have a child like this, how do you deal with it as a parent, especially if you have other children who need attention too?

This is my dd4 exactly, and I have come to the same conclusion you have. And to your last question--it is really really hard! I am not the one with good advice but am hoping others will chime in!