Speaking for our DD8, who is HG, the most important decision we made for her was to place her in a classroom with a lot of other gifted children.

For DD the priority has always been fitting in and feeling comfortable with who she is. We had no idea how miserable she was until the tail end of 2nd grade when she was finally able to express it. It wasn't the intellectual boredom, which was present but not her priority; it was wondering why her friends didn't laugh at her humor, or why they gave her blank stares when she said something she thought made perfect sense. She was thinking something was wrong with her and did not feel comfortable in her own skin.

All that to say, we overlooked her social and emotional needs because we were focused on her intellectual potential. I thought the cure would be feeding her intellect, when finally a wise educational psychologist told us to get her around gifted children. And now we're thinking it is a two-birds-with-one-stone thing and she's going to start focusing on the intellectual side now that her heart feels right.