Welcome! My first comment would be: first think about education for your son, for whom it's a more urgent problem... You describe him as "likely gifted" but it may be that your yardstick is off; it wouldn't surprise me if he also turns out to be PG. Certainly self-taught reading at 2 is pretty rare (in general, although not on this board!)

I'm not in the US, so can't help with specifics, but I will say: if you do school, what you'll need is a supremely flexible school that really manages to treat each child as an individual. That doesn't necessarily mean a gifted school - in fact, some of the gifted schools we hear about here are very inflexible, and we've heard many stories of the problems that leads to when an HG+ child goes to one. If home education is a feasible option for you, you'll probably want to consider that seriously too (lots of people here can help).

I suggest having a browse around here; one useful technique is to keep your eyes open for people who write things that chime with you, and then go and read the threads they've started (click on the username to the left, choose View posts from the menu) - at any rate, I've found that a useful way to read about the experiences people with similar children have had.

Email: my username, followed by 2, at google's mail