Hello sweetpeas and welcome! You found the right place smile Sorry, I have to make this fast but I wanted to say that I have to agree with ultramarina...Your children are still very young to form an opinion on their exact level of giftedness. Of course I would still look into all the resources you can. The books that were recommended are great. There is something with your children for sure, but is it truly "giftedness" or a high achieving child? What I'm trying to say, is that I was absolutely convinced that my oldest was profoundly gifted. He actually hit the milestones earlier than what you mentioned and after reading Dr. Ruf's levels of giftedness, he clearly was a level 4. Long story short...After testing, he was obviously very bright but highly gifted??? Ummm well, no. Through the years we have found that he is and always has been a parent/teacher/people pleaser and a perfectionist to the max. When it came and comes to academic type stuff like you mentioned (colors, letters, words, numbers...)he would blow everyone away, but when it came to the real brilliant out of the box "wow" thinking, he was and still is just "average" Lol Public schools with added academic competitions and regular honors classes have been great and has been enough for him. Now my youngest was a different story...He had all the amazing "wow" moments but not neccessarily the early academic milestones like my first. He was and is still not a pleaser or a perfectionist and could care less what teachers want him to perform on...Haha Well, HE is the one who tested highly gifted not the firstborn. This is just my experience and thought I would offer more to think about before uprooting your family. Partial homeschooling along with subject acceleration in public school has been great! Trying to figure out all the complexities of our childrens personalities and needs can be overwhelming. I'm so glad you found this forum. You sound like a great mom! smile