Originally Posted by Giftodd
All of the above, plus that slow maths computation doesn't mean can't compute, nor does it mean conceptual skills can't be grades ahead of computation.

That sensitivity doesn't equate to emotional immaturity.

That my daughter will only show you what she thinks you want to see.

That she needs people to believe in her abilities because otherwise she doubts herself.

That an apparent lack of social confidence can disappear when you get the chance to talk to someone who has a clue about what you're talking about.

That dd stands back and lets others go first because she thinks it's the right thing to do, not because she's not interested - she'd still like to have a turn! (and is devastated when she misses out)

That I know my kid really well... So to please trust me.

No doubt many more...

I think you just described my daughter. Seriously. Wow.


I would add that:

if you give one child accelerated instruction one year, and leave another child to languish in their regular class, then when you test both kids the next year one will look more "able" or "in need" then the other. Duh.