There is a growing body of research in which prems are followed long-term. And there most certainly is a link between ADHD and prematurity! I can't remember any studies correlating with positive family histories of ADHD or learning disabilities, though. I'll pull the articles I have later this week when I have office days and I can access our hospital's e-journals.

Re: PTSD, it is so much better than it was. And it did take a lot of work to get here. Ultimately, it does not matter WHAT caused it (as if we will ever know for certain, LOL), just that she does indeed have it. I have had to remind DH to keep his eyes forward so he won't trip over what is right in front of him. I would much rather put my brain power to work figuring out how to help her!

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery