Thanks mich!

The program we were directed towards is indeed through the Masons. We were provided with contact info for tutors who work with that program but also do private tutoring (we will pay for it until she gets into the program). Not knowing anything about dyslexia remediation, we were wondering how this program compared to others. We were lucky enough to run into a good friend who is a teacher and literacy coordinator and she reassured us that this is the premier program in our area and that she is seeking training in that method herself.

Thank you for the book recommendations. We picked up "Overcoming Dyslexia" last night. Getting this diagnosis, while not a big surprise, is a lot like the first time around. We knew NOTHING about gifted children. I have literally spent the last 1.5 years researching and reading everything I can about it to educate myself so I can better advocate for DD. Now, I feel like we are back to the beginning again. Very frustrating and overwhelming.

It has been a bit of an emotional weekend, fraught with a lot of guilt on our part. I just keep thinking about what her school day must be like.... she can't pay attention because of the ADHD, she can't write very well because of the dyslexia, and she is bored out of her skull because she already knows what she is learning, but won't be accelerated until she can show her teacher what she know, which she can't! And I ride her case at home every day over homework and give her grief for not 'trying hard enough'. I just hope it is not too late to save her motivation and love of learning.

Thanks again for the suggestions.

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery