I met with a psychologist yesterday to discuss the possibility of my daughter Morgan having ADHD. Based on my observations and answers to the questions he asked he is relatively certain she has ADHD. He gave us screening questionaires for us to complete, as well as one for her teacher to complete. We are bringing her in next week for some testing and to speak with the psychologist. We gave him the results of Morgan's WPPSI III test she took a couple of months ago and I was surprised to hear what he had to say about it. First of all I had no idea that the closer in age the child is to being 6 the more questions they have to get right and therefore the WPPSI III was, for Morgan, more difficult than the WISC IV would be if she took it now. Apparently since she is just barely 6 she wouldn't need to get nearly as many questions correct on the WISC IV in order to get the same scores she got on the WPPSI III. I really wish I had known that before we did testing. He said with her age at the time of testing that in order to get the verbal score she did she couldn't have answered more than a few questions wrong and that her score likely would be higher if she took the WISC IV. Again things I wish I had known before testing!!

In addition he thinks the huge gap between her verbal and performance scores,131 vs 108, as well as her low processing score, 10, is largely due to the ADHD. He said that kids with ADHD generally have difficulty with the timed portions of the test and obviously that lowers the performance score. Again, he thinks that if we re-did the test once she is on medication and has some coping strategies to deal with the ADHD her scores, espcially the performance score, would be higher. Is this all true? It makes sense to me, but I'm trying to figure out why I've never heard these things before? Is this all widely known information and I've just had my head in the sand?