I feel for you. I remember hating first grade so much I wanted to drop out of school. The show and tell one cracked me up. I can't tell you how many times I have had to do things in front of class only to have everyone's head tilt to the side about a minute in. (like,huh?) She sounds way more ahead than I was and I hate to tell you, I kind of checked out and was a massive underachiever. F's on homework and busy work. A's on tests. Makes for a mediocre student. My DS is only in K right now but, while he is way ahead reading at 3rd grade+ level doing multiplication and negative numbers all on his own, he enjoys the structure of school so much he doesn't mind doing the 'baby' work. Well I guess it would really be baby work for him since he did it when he was a baby, lol.
I hope you find a good solution, GL!