So why do I feel like crying???? Wondering how first grade is going with everyone else...Is someone out there relating to this???
My sweet DD just had a major meltdown last night and I feel absolutely terrible. I know what I need to do...testing (sigh, the expense!) to figure out where we're at, but I am still so exhausted emotionally from getting her brother grade skipped and everything that came with that. I've been seeing the signs for awhile now, but have chosen to ignore it until I saw her crying last night about how "easy" school was. She really seemed distressed and now so am I!!! Sometimes I feel a little warped in my thinking of what a first grader should know etc ... but then I look at my daughter and think hmmmmm ... My common sense is telling me that what I've been seeing is probably a little different from a typical six year old. I guess I need reassurance that what my daughter and I am feeling is not completely wacko. If I tried to explain these things to my regular friends, they would look at me like I had five heads. So here is a sampling from the past few days ... I received an email from her teacher..."She is really going to keep me on my toes. She is a very deep thinker..." Yesterday for show and tell she drew her thoughts on Einsteins Theory of Relativity (after watching a special on Einstein on the History Channel...her favorite TV show) She is fascinated with the game Rush Hour (not jr. level) and is almost done with the intermediate level ... She came home crying that her spelling words were "go, it, and a" and she can't have words like "caterpillar" She's upset that she can't continue to learn multiplication like we do at home ... on and on and on ... I know what I need to do, but I just don't want to wahhhh ... and then what if she's not??? I just hate being and feeling like one of "those parents" frown