Starting school yesterday and people comparing schedules etc.

New boy in DD's 2nd grade class that we knew when they were 2s together in a playgroup. The father is a brilliant physicist, who went to Wall Street and the mother is an astrophysicist at Columbia.

Anyway, we were talking about CTY and other ways to enrich and accelerate the learning. Language, since he was in dual language program before this. And then I was talking to a mother who opted for the competitive gymnastics track, which we opted out of this year and putting the emphasis on ballet and doing some Nutcracker performances, not with NYCB, but another troop that only commits to 4 performances a season.

And it seems that if you do have extracurriculars, and a child gets really into something, competitively, then super acceleration may not be necessary. Because there isn't a lot of time. If you are doing competitive gymnastics and you have be there 5 days a week, by the time you are 9, there is little time for school and you have to learn quickly. Thinking of my own experience as a competitive figure skater and being on the ice 6 days a week and missing a lot of school and skipping 2 grades. For me, the math and sciences worked to accelerate. Literature being skipped a grade was fine. Understanding art was more of maturity thing. I wasn't going to appreciate the Guernica at 10.

Anyway, my hypothesis is, that even the PG can work within a couple of acceleration years in math, if they have a strong extracurriculars to occupy them.