"Any other ideas for excellent, high-school or college level programs (for younger students) in New England?"

I'd love to know the same thing. SIG day programs aren't really in driving distance for me (because I have 1 year old twins who wouldn't appreciate 4 hours a day in the car!). The thing is... from the course descriptions, if sounds like my 9 year old DS would need to be skipped quite a few grades (maybe less than in public school, but definitely at least a few) and although they seemed open to that SIG seemed open to that idea for the day program, I don't think I'd be comfortable letting him skip several grades in a RESIDENTIAL setting. I'm not sure how it would work for a PG kid, but although I'm comfortable with him going to high school, I wouldn't be comfortable having him live and sleep in a dorm with high schoolers.

We have yet to find a camp that seems appropriate. We did apply for a scholarship to the Summer Explorations program, because we figured if we couldn't find a good fit in a "gifted" camp at least this would be a fun alternative, because they mix up hands on academic stuff with regular fun camp stuff. However, he didn't recieve a scholarship... and the lady actually called me to tell me that the reason why they decided not to give him one was because his application was "too strong" - they were afraid that he was "too gifted" and, having been accelerated so much in school, would probably not benefit from the program as much as a kid for whom the academic components would be challenging. Anyway, if we could have afforded the full cost, that's where we would have sent him:-)