I have heard several negative things about the summer CTY before, but they had to do with behavior of kids/responses of staff to same, not so much about the academic quality. (I did hear one thing once re: there seemed to be an awful lot of down/fluff time, but it was a vague comment - I don't know specifics.)

Anyone in New England: experiences good/bad with SIG? Or Talcott Mt?

Also anyone in New England, if you happen to be considering KAST at the U. of CT., let me warn you off - the admin. is *extremely* hostile to PG kids and their families - to the extent of being incredibly unprofessional. (I'll skip the details unless you want them.) This does not extend to those instructors who are U. staff, but I still would recommend staying away - I'm happy to provide more details if anyone wants. Also, we've experienced 5 or 6 different modules, and the only one of any intellectual quality is archeology - the rest are at an early elementary level, not the 5th-10th grade that is stated.

Any other ideas for excellent, high-school or college level programs (for younger students) in New England?