This thread has discussed the relative merits of humanities and more career-oriented majors. Many universities may not be good places to study literature and history, because many of the professors don't respect the subjects they are supposed to be teaching. They have left a vacuum that is being filled, at much less expense, by the Teaching Company (now know as Great Courses), as discussed in a recent essay:
Great Courses, Great Profits: A teaching company gives the public what the academy no longer supplies: a curriculum in the monuments of human thought.
City Journal
Summer 2011

Joseph Epstein explains why fewer students major in English:
What Killed American Lit.
Today's collegians don't want to study it�who can blame them?
by Joseph Epstein
Wall Street Journal
August 27, 2011

I think parents who want their children to be liberally educated should look at home schooling curricula such as the one in the "Well Trained Mind" book for classical homeschoolers.

"To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle." - George Orwell