DS10 was always very literal & logical and he went through that too. The box says ages 8+ and he is 5, why wouldn't he believe it? They wouldn't LIE right? So, if it says it's not for his age then he shouldn't use it. I explained that it's usually there to keep little kids safe from little chokey bits and that if Mom & Dad think it's OK to give permission for a game or toy with higher age recommendation than that's OK with the company. Also some little kids can't snap Legos and K'nex together like him so they use it as a general guide, ie: "Most kids 5+ can snap K'nex together and won't eat them" They just want to warn the parents that this may not be right for kids under that age so be careful. Same with DVD content, I told him some kids his age don't read yet or may not get the jokes/content/whatever on the DVD so the company that makes it doesn't want sad kids and disappointed Moms & Dads that bought DVDs/Toys/etc that their kiddies wouldn't enjoy. I also told him it's to help people when they are shopping for gifts for kids as a rough idea.

This all worked and it became a dialogue over the years whenever we shopped for toys, games, dvds, etc. He was also proud when he'd build a K'nex roller coaster intended for 10+ and he was much younger.