I'm wondering if he's tired of his things, and is looking for an excuse. He's been asking for something new every time we're out. We just bought him $60 worth of new toys!


He isn't around many kids his age, so I'd be surprised if he's trying to "fit in" at this point. I expect that when he starts school in August. But maybe he is picking up on his difference at the playground. The other day, hubby took him and he was talking with another boy who hubby estimated at about 8 years old. Overheard in their conversation was my son, "Four plus four equals eight!" The other boy looked surprised a second and said, "Yeah, that's right. How old are you?" The same day, DS was playing with a boy whose mother said was three. This little boy was sticking to our DS like glue, listening to everything he was saying; which is something our son does to the older kids. Humm...wondering if that little one is a "gifty".


Good idea. I do suggest things to him if he seems to be just sitting around. I seem to vaguely recall reading somewhere that boredom is a good motivator, and to not try to schedule your child's every "bored" moment.

He did get up and choose his dry-erase board this morning. It was the first time he attempted to write out a sentence. Previously, he has typed email sentences, so I was very happy to see him practicing his writing skills. His letters are still wobbly.