Originally Posted by Gracew
So the score seems unreal to me...
Hi Grace, we're in the same boat rowing with one oar after testing DD7 in May. Her GAI was three noses behind your DS and I wasn't even sure she'd score into the gifted range.

My confusion was expecting every child with those scores to be very similar. I had no idea the gifted population is so diverse. Some are not high achievers at all despite getting the opportunities.

If it's any encouragement, two of the things you mentioned about your DS being emotional and his endless negotiating fit my DD to a T. She drives my DW batty negotiating everything. She also has been playing computer games since age two.

What I've learned is that right now DD's chief need is to be around other children like her so she can be comfortable being who she is. She is seeking deeper relationships. She tends to prefer kids several grades above her and is very sentimental. Her main concerns and interests right now are not academic.

We also had her start taking piano lessons. These are great for gifted kids because it requires learning yet it is also creative, and they can grow more or less infinitely at it yet there will always be someone better than them.