Since DS' processing speed score is significantly lower than his other scores, I did try to calculate his GAI score, which came up an incredible 157 ( DS has 19,18,18,18 in Verbal and 18,18,15 in PRI)...

The reason I wanted to post this here again is that I was honestly surprised. I know my son is bright, but he is not THAT bright as his GAI indicates, 3 points from the highest possible score? It can not be..

My son is ok at school, enjoys enrichment classes and recess and lunch (yes, his favorite part of first grade), having two/three good friends. Other than being very emotional and likes to negotiate on every possible thing you ask him to do (except for reading and computer games), he seems to be a normal 7 year old boy to me.

We have never taught him anything , other than occasionally testing him with harder questions to see how good he is; and again, we've never gone beyond 4th grade math.
He likes science a lot and knows every little fact about dinosaur; reading is his favorite thing to do other than computer games.

So the score seems unreal to me, with this, I feel like I need to do some advocating for him at school, which I honestly have not considered until now. We are in a good school district, so we see many kids as smart as him, all of them go with the flow, is my son really different? Or as many people will say it's just a score, don't look to much into it....

Your thoughts welcome.
