Our state actually has a state department of education policy paper (technical assistance paper) or whatever they are called on gifted education that says that skipping is an option (and a good one in well thought out cases) and shouldn't be dismissed out of hand as "not an option".

Also, each district in the state of FL has to have a pupil progression plan (PPP). I have used our district PPP to my advantage with a situation with my older son. See if you can get a copy of that (or whatever it is called in your state).

If you have those two things and those documents don't forbid skipping then you could ask the school board to make a resolution/policy statement whatever that in cases of HG and PG students that subject acceleration and grade skipping and compacting will be considered and not flat out denied as "something we don't do" and moved to we consider those options on a case by case basis using the sound reasoning on the basis of the decision (maybe the Iowa could be one tool).

If those documents forbid skipping then I think you need to work at the state level and district level to change those documents.

...reading is pleasure, not just something teachers make you do in school.~B. Cleary