FWIW, way back in the late 70's my 8-9 year old buddies and I would frequently sing and motion/dance the soundtrack to Grease with great enthusiasm. Years later, my daughter wanted a 50s theme sleepover so I bought the movie and I was absolutely horrified at the explicit lyrics and inappropriate theme. I guess it all went right over our heads at that age.

I really don't buy into the notion that certain music alone will detrimentally influence how kids turn out, but I do think trying to shelter them from it by banning/censoring it will likely make it more appealing to them. I agree you don't want your kid going around singing offensive things in public and I think you just do what you can to educate them on that end.

�Late adolescents and college students love themselves more today than ever before,� Dr. DeWall, a psychologist at the University of Kentucky, says. I don't agree with this conclusion at all, I think today's youth are lonelier than ever with computers and social networking replacing real personal connection. I am curious if the suicide rates among this age group over the period of the study would support the conclusion being drawn.