Okay, okay, I can't wait til this weekend:

more recent piece of legislation aimed at all children and youth is the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) signed into law in 2002 by President Bush. In NCLB, the emotional well-being of all children is addressed and a specific section of the Act (Title V) outlines initiatives aimed at assuring the emotional well-being of America�s youth. With 53 million children in school and an estimated 20% of all children meeting criteria, at a point in time, for a diagnosable mental illness at a level of impairment that requires some type of intervention (Kutash et al., 2005), there is the potential that over 10 million children will need some type of help to meet the goals relating to emotional well-being in NCLB. These numbers reveal the scope of the challenge for the nation to meet the mental health needs of America�s school age children and youth.

From this link:

There it is, emotional well-being. Well, I think I can make a case that my child's emotional well being is harmed when he/or she is made to choose between appropriate school work or going to recess with the other kids.
That one's for you questions.

Now I just have to locate the original NCLB title V and read it.

More to come.
