Good luck tomorrow. Don't let them talk about what will they do the next year and the next year, and what will happen when she's younger than everyone in high school. Try to get them to focus on teaching your child what she needs now. Bring up "zone of proximal development" if you need to (kids learn best when things are a little bit above their level, I believe is the nutshell version of ZPD).

I would bring copies of all the samples (I made the mistake of giving some original stuff last year, which was LOST for a good period of time at the school....

I agree with the other poster who said, "Yes, these scores are a year old. She seems so far beyond this now." Also might add, "Do you think it would be a good idea to test her yourself? I know it's easier for you to relate to test scores that you are familiar with." (Well - if you wouldn't mind the testing, I'd recommend that, anyway.)

If they start saying "we can differentiate for her in kindy", if appropriate, I'd suggest saying that you believe she would need differentiation even in 1st, and it's easier to differentiate one year than two, or something like that.

I hope everything goes well!