It's good to hear you've managed to make part time work and I hope the transfer to full time goes well. I taught DS to use google too, for the same reasons. Now I get "did you know" instead of "why?" most of the time <lol!> I haven't seen time4learning (I'll check it out), he loved the free trial we did on Aleks (finished 3rd grade and most of 4th grade before it ran out). He loves Kahn Academy and he also enjoyed the trial we did of Dreambox. There seem to be lots of those sorts of things out there to explore - so many that I worry he spends too much time on the computer sometimes.

Officially here it's not possible to part time school but there is provision for a student enrolled in a school to attend an "acceptable educational alternative" for some of the time they are meant to be at school. It's meant to cover things like music lessons, tutoring and the like, but I'm wondering if we could make use of that somehow.

Do many of you have other children? Are they the same as their older siblings? We have a little girl too... is she likely to be like this too?