Originally Posted by Iucounu
Trina, congrats on your decision to take your son out of the bad-fit preschool. Preschool was terrible for our son, especially due to an inflexible teacher that essentially pegged him as having behavior problems, which were really due to extreme boredom. Welcome, and please keep us posted on your progress.
Thank you for the welcome. We've tried three preschools now, from a traditional free play 3 year old kindergarten (I think we use the name differently to how it's used in the USA), to Montessori to a preschool with a highly recommended gifted programme. None of them fit, and none lasted for more than 6 months or so. He's never a problem there, but his behaviour at home becomes awful as he gets more and more stressed and miserable. He's happy at home now, and I'm scared to try school or another preschool in case it ruins the peace! We'd started trying a few science / nature activities with a local homeschooling group but we're a little limited in 'other' activities just now because so many things are closed / gone due to the earthquake.