Hi DeeDee,

I did ask the neuropsych. who he recommended for prescribing meds and he said our regular paediatrician was fine, and that he didn't think a developmental paediatrician or a paediatric psychiatrist was needed. Plus, my quick internet search showed that there seems to be shortage of these specialists in my area.

Although I didn't agree with everything she said, I think our paediatrician is very careful and experienced, so we'll probably stick with her for the meds. trial, at least to start out with. DH tells me I just need to develop a thicker skin when dealing with her.

I am also getting names for therapists from the neuropsych. - we are thinking that we'd get a better buy-in from DS with a family intervention. The neuropsych. (who I really like alot) describes himself as a "behaviorist" so I guess that's the kind of therapy he has in mind.

Thanks for your insight.