Well, my son has sleep issues (greatly helped by melatonin) and borders on underweight. He also has oppositional issues (but not so much physical aggression, more not being able to handle frustration and saying hurtful things, or not being able to "let go" of an argument).

We saw our paediatrician, who appears to have quite alot of experience with these medications. We didn't take DS along, but DH and I went to discuss the neuropsych. report and possible medication. We got a very long lecture about the downside of meds, that she thinks they are being overprescribed, and that in her opinion his profile (mainly inattentive and with oppositional character) would have a low chance of being helped by meds. He has about a B+ average at school, so she thinks that there is not a strong need for medication and that he will start enjoying school more during highschool, when he can take more interesting classes. She also said that the medication would not help self-esteem, social issues or behavioural problems. I didn't completely agree with a lot of what she said.

At the end, she did say that since we have an official dx, she would do a trial but that we shouldn't get our hopes up. She said she generally starts with the stimulants, but if there are sleep problems, loss of appetite, etc, she'd try the non-stimulants. We would start the trial at the end of June (after school ends), as she is away for two weeks and needs to see him before prescribing.

Thanks Nik for the hugs! DS has an appt. with the neuro-psych. next week to hear about the results of the testing. I did give him the short version (because he asked me directly and seemed worried). I wouldn't say he is happy and relieved like your DD; I think he is processing the information, and at least didn't deny that he might have a problem with attention (which wouldn't have been out of character). I'm trying to give him information a little bit at a time, so he's not overwhelmed and I think its going OK so far. I'm planning to give him a book about ADHD called "My Brain Needs Glasses". Its pitched a bit young for him, but I like the way its written.

We are also persuing other avenues for the low mood and behaviour issues: some family therapy probably, and some school accomodations for next year.

In the end, I think we are on the right path. And I'm trying to remember that life is a journey. Thanks everyone for your help with this.

PS I could look around for a developmental paediatrician, but not sure if that is common here. Also, seeing some specialists in Canada can involve a very long wait time (like 6 months to a year). Anyway, thanks for the tip DeeDee, I will at least check into the possibility.

Last edited by Verona; 06/08/11 06:31 PM.