No offense taken, I totally understand that she may not be the best judge, but she was pretty matter-of-fact about telling me she did not seeing the point of living a year ago, so I do think she does have some compass on how she feels.

She has a lot of hope now that she didn't have before since she is going to an amazing college in 3 months and I think it helps that she knows we (some of her family) are finally starting to understand that she really is dealing with difficult differences, not just's just getting through the next 3 months and trying to sort out the dosing before she leaves...

I wonder if she may be just trying to avoid the unknown-and-perceived-as-potentially-highly-unpleasant act of getting a job by hibernating.

We have no insurance beyond a catastrophe plan right now ($6,000.00/year deductible), so trial and error with different docs isn't really affordable beyond phone calls and I suspect few psychs will admit they do not have lots of expertise. I will call the diagnostician and see what she suggests but the psych their office is affiliated with did not impress me, he spent no time getting to know my DD beyond reviewing her test results and asking her a quick checklist of questions in his office.
