Hi Nik,

Please don't take this the wrong way, but your DD may not consider herself depressed, yet she may actually be clinically depressed. I'd want to get an expert involved to be sure. You said she has PDD-NOS, right? People on the autism spectrum are often not that reliable at assessing their own inner states, at least not in a way that matches up with the standards you or I would use.

Who diagnosed your DD? Can that person point you to a local expert for treatment?

I'd probably do some assertive phoning around to see who you can find in your area; a developmental pediatrician would be good because they are so aware of how to treat things like ADHD and autism; but yes, a developmental pediatrician may also want to send her on to someone else who treats adults. Our local children's hospital treats them up to age 21, I think, so you might be able to go either way, with expertise being your first criterion.

A psychiatrist who treats adolescents and young adults, one who's seen a lot of kids who match your DD's diagnoses, could work well. And if you meet them and they don't seem to get it, KEEP LOOKING! As in any profession, there are better and worse ones, and it takes a while to find one with expertise and good fit.

HTH, will be thinking of you--