So, we started with 10mg Methylphenidate 2x a day, initially my DD said she could tell the difference immediately and was able to write (essays/poems/songs etc) much more readily and she could instantly answer math facts while on the meds when she had trouble with those things before.

After a few weeks she said she really didn't think the dosing was high enough so the Doc upped it to 20mg in the am and 10 in the evening, then 20mg extended release 2 x a day. My DD says it is a little better but still not high enough.

How do you know when the dose is high enough? It is especially tough now because she has no school or work to judge improved performance on, but her motivation just to get out of bed doesn't seem to exist. She is supposed to be looking for a job but just seems too exhausted/unmotivated to do anything. Is this just teen sloth, or medicine related? I thought this stuff was a stimulant but she seems to be able to take one in the morning and go back to bed for 4 hours.

Does anyone have experience or advice on what it takes to find the right dose? How long do you give it before you decide it isn't working well enough? I know the doc should be able to help, but I don't feel like she really has a lot of experience in this area to relate to.