hehe I could have written this for the most part! Since I have the school right on our doorstep I feel almost obliged to use it - like I would be failing gifted education the world over if I did not. smile

We have Aiden in a gifted pre school - he goes to K in jan next year, and even then every few months we consider home schooling again. If they cater for a wider range of gifted levels then there is a good chance that they still try to keep them on the same level - albeit an accelerated one. frown we have just decided that right now aiden needs a school setting for various reasons. It may well change in the next year though.

I don't know the right thing to say - just wanted to say I feel your dilemma! watching your experiences with great interest.

Mom to 3 gorgeous boys: Aiden (8), Nathan (7) and Dylan (4)