Originally Posted by Amber
I think that he would thrive homeschooling, but I have all those natural worries about socializing and the implications of not having a typical school experience. (which I guess is likely to happen anyways. :)) plus, i feel like should use the gifted charter since it is available.

You could always give the charter a try while being aware of how he's coping (i.e. monitor him closely) and pull him out if needed. And if by chance he makes a good friend at the charter, you could fix playdates after school. There really is no way to know if it will work unless you just do it.

Actually, I should say beware of overscheduling socialization when you homeschool. Even as a generally introverted family, we found ourselves becoming too busy for my liking just because of the opportunities we had to mix and mingle.

My kid was so overshceduled with classes and field trips and other socialization opportunities that we eventually had to cut back.

Don't let the socialization myth hold you back. There's a lot you can do to adjust the level to what is comfortable for you and your child. If a specific class doesn't work, look for something else. Try to organize classes or workshops or field trips with other homeschooling families to see if your child finds a friend there. Expose him to people of all ages. I'm sure others will have better suggestions. Just shooting this off with one foot out the door rushing to yet another socialization opportunity! smile