First of all hugs. It is so hard to watch your child struggle and to search for evasive answers.

You've begun the process by having her tested. This is the first step. You have gleaned/confirmed some information - you have a very bright child - one that should not struggle in the public school. But, the evaluator was not able to provide you any information beyond that.

I believe that you need to have your child privately evaluated by an independent neuropsychologist that is an expert with children, educational issues, LD and giftedness. (long list!). Private evaluations are diagnostic. Generally, school evaluations are conducted to determine special education eligibility under the law. Two different objectives that affect (or effect? I never learned) the outcome, the depth of the information and the types of tests that are used.

Did the school conduct any other tests? If you could post the subtest and composite scores we may be able to identify patterns that they did not. My hunch is that something is going on with your child's reading. I'm wondering if they gave any of these tests: CTOPP, GORT, TOWRE, WJRM? Did they give you a processing speed number for the DAS? My hunch is that processing speed is relatively low - just as you pointed out Working Memory was low in comparison to her other "reasoning" scores. This is a flag for LD or ADHD. But, even anxiety can present in a similar way. You need to gather more information to peel back the onion to try and determine the root cause of her distress and trouble.

You should also know that under IDEA (special ed law), if you disagree with a district's evaluation for any reason (you believe it is not complete, accurate, whatever), you can request an individual educational evaluation (IEE) by a qualified independent evaluator of your choice at the district's expense. The district has a right to prove in court that their evaluation was satisfactory - but most won't take the time or $$ and instead will grant the IEE. You also have the right to pay for one on your own or try to get your insurance to pay. Here's some info about IEE's http://www.wrightslaw.com/info/test.iee.steedman.htm

Once you have more information about her learning profile, then you can explore school options. Please take the first step and get an independent evaluation.