Originally Posted by aculady
The average family hiring a consultant makes $75,000 to $100,000 a year. This is a solid income but far from being something that only a few elites have.

I guess it depends on your definition of "elite". About 85% of American families have incomes below this level, with most of them earning less than half that amount.

It all depends on context here. With the average household income around $50,000 in this country, I don't call a family earning $75,000 to be elite. They are very likely still going to be a family who struggles with the cost of college. Families at $60,000 or below are defined as "low income" when it comes to high selective colleges because obviously compared to costs of $50,000 it sure is.

Cricket2 - if you have not already done so I would encourage you to try the online cost calculators and see where you come out in eligibility for need based aid. Often people assume that they will not be eligible for aid when in fact that are. It is the people who are upper middle class - like the figures we discussed earlier - who tend to be in the toughest position (and thus part of why this group hires consultants). Some savvy planning can make a difference here.