Originally Posted by intparent
Anyone from any background can push their kids to study hard and pay for college consultants if they choose to.
Not really and this isn't a comment about any specific ethnicity. There are a lot of families, mine included, that cannot afford to pay for college consultants. This type of service, IMHO, creates a greater rift btwn classes -- those who can afford to buy their children admission to prestigious universities vs. those who cannot. We won't be doing any SAT/ACT prep courses for dds.

My kids are fortunate that they are bright and should have good grades and test scores without the prep, but they are being unevenly compared if you, for instance, take kids of comparable ability and spend thousands of dollars prepping them for college admission tests, helping them write essays, etc. My dds, too, would probably do better if they spend months studying with a tutor for the SAT, but we can't do that.

I really don't think that it is a matter of xenophobia or racism so much as it is parents who can't afford to pay for this type of service taking offense at their children perhaps losing a place at a university to someone whose parents can afford to prep them for that spot.