(Laura) For the past year I have been focusing on more organic, natural foods for myself and especially my kids. I haven't, however, made a definite restriction to my daughter's diet, regarding food additives, artificial colors, etc. That is something I can work on. Thanks.
(Linda) I spoke to a parent of a child in our school's gifted program and she feels it is not a very effective program, only teaching one grade level above, plus lots of extra homework, and very little communication between the gifted teacher and the classroom teacher. I think at this point it would only add extra stress to my daughter's life, which is not my goal. I can look to get her into AP or Honors classes as she gets into Middle School and High School if that is what she would like, to give her the challenge that she needs. In the meantime I can work on helping her learn to identify, control and satisfy some of her many emotions.