Testing now! How stupid!
What are they going to do for the next few months - coloring books :-) (well, my 7th grader does that in LA, so I should not be surprised)
This whole education is a huge mess for bright kids.
I wil repeat what I have said before - a misbehaving, difficult child will get a one on one teacher but my son might be send to after school detention for reading during Science, where his grade is 105% - A+ (granted, he never went to detention, but the teacher takes the book away every time he manages to sneak one from home . Can you imagine that I do forbid Ghost to take books that he is currenly reading to school !!! What kind of a mother am I?
Well, he can take one on Fridays, as it is a "reading day" in LA class - IN 7TH GRADE!!!)
Why do I have such high expectations???