Just to update - and share some school advocacy success:

I had emailed our principal and asked about the Stanford test being given to MrWiggly using the 3rd grade level, but 4th grade math. I also let him know that MrWiggly is taking an enrichment course (science topics - biology related, scientific method stuff), is reading R.L. Stine, Rotten School series books at home and only takes about 10 minutes to do his math homework sheets.

Mr. Principal responded that he had discussed things with the superintendent and that MrWiggly "can and will take the 4th grade level test across the board." Woo-hoo! I do believe they "get it!" Finally!

I was really worried at first - knee jerk response of "OMG, what if he can't do ANY of it??!!" But once I calmed down (thanks in part to the red wine hubby poured for me!), hubby and I decided that this is great. It's a huge change from their initial refusal to do anything. I'm so glad we keep advocating. And really glad I brought this issue up now, so we are ready for the testing in April. The principal said he agrees that the test should help us "to decide what MrWiggly's curriculum should look like next year." I do believe they are working WITH us now!