Thanks Grinity.

Schools get so easily touchy about parents advising other parents.

Oh yeah. None of this parents talking to each other nonsense please!

Edited to add: The Selective Mutism specialist called me back today, and felt that DD would probably have been diagnosed in the past but now falls more into your garden variety social phobia category that any local clinical psychologist should be able to help with. She was very impressed that DD had made such progress on her own, or that we had helped her enough on her, depending on how you look at it.

Then I talked to DD, working as hard as I could not to ask leading questions and DD provided some amazing self insight. One of the most important points being that she believes school will be easier than preschool because there will be only one teacher and a small class. Preschool there are two teachers and about 4 aides with maybe 30-35 kids, at school she will have just one teacher and 17 in the class. She also thought that yes she might like to talk to someone who could help her learn to talk to adults she found it hard to talk to.

Last edited by MumOfThree; 05/20/11 05:26 AM.