Thanks GiftOdd, it's always helpful to hear other's experiences. We have always tended to put DDs swings between talking non stop and not talking at all down to being normal for her age, just her, etc. But just recently we have realised that maybe we have actually been under-estimating how much of an issue it really is. We'll see what the psych says...

Grinity, we have already shared the first psych report with the school. Which is why they agreed to yr1 in 2012 after only 2 terms. But I have put a call into the principle this morning and will state our case that if there can be 17 in one class there can be 17 in a different one and that's where we want her. Unfortunately he is in interstate today and there is a pupil free day Monday for whole school training on the new curriculum they are using, so I don't imagine I will hear back as soon as I would like.

DH doesn't want to move her mid term, so we will be asking she move at the beginning of next term, but into an estabilished reception class that will be going to yr1 next year, not the mid year start class.

On a related note. There is another mother at preschool whose daughter is 1 week older than mine and is having many of the same issues we are experiencing. She's a lovely woman with a lovely daughter. I don't know the little girl too well, she's often been inside preschool or off playing when I have chatted to her mum, so I have no idea whether her issues are purely to do with the silly dual start system and loosing her friends or whether there is more going on. But we have commiserated a lot, without my letting on that we have had DD tested and the school will be moving her to yr1 next year. I feel like I am keeping secrets, which is not me at all, and I don't know whether to a) warn her that DD will be moved to a different class (if we win that argument) or b) suggest that she get her own DD off for assessment.