I'm sorry - I read too fast and didn't see your original question was about non-GT schools. My posting is totally irrelevant! Sorry. I can say that the local nonGT school did finally do a lot for my kid, after a lot of advocacy, but it was a lot more work and stress than lucking into a spot at the GT school.

You say your DD feels that school is a waste of time. I know you've posted here before, but I can't remember - has your DD skipped a grade? Is that a possibility, or subject acceleration maybe? Once my DS got more appropriate levels of work at the local nonGT school, I heard less of the "I hate schools." (and even less now at the GT school).

I would keep investigating the PT homeschooling, but you might also consider some PT options within the classroom. Are there particular subjects she's very advanced in? Could she do some online work? Or could someone come in and tutor her in a subject?

Good luck with the decision making. I know it's hard.