Originally Posted by Cecilia
I know he can handle the material, but his executive functioning skills are the pits. What to do, what to do....Thoughts???
One great equalized for my son was his Typing skills. If you DS11 hasn't become a proficient typist already, you may want to hothouse that a bit.

For the Math, I would ask that he be given 'end of year tests' for 6th and 7th grade math - ideally with someone looking over his shoulder to see how he does it and what kinds of mistakes he makes.

If he's allowed to 'audit' the high school science courses, then I'd be a lot less worried about the organizational skills. It would be ideal if he had an opportunity to sit down with the teacher once every two weeks to 'adjust' the output expectations. You might want to start with a science that has fewer labs, since who wants to be a lab partner with someone who is only auditing?

It might be that your son's assignments could be framed to be more along the lines of 'create a power point to introduce 6th graders to this week's subject.'

To me the ideal thing is that he get the interest level of high school science without the expectations to 'earn the grade' that are appropriate for high school aged kids but not for 11 year olds who aren't very synchronous in their giftedness. If the principle is game - why not give it a whirl?

Love and more Love,

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