Originally Posted by annaliisa
At the time DD was reading the Rainbow Fairy books I was horrified. I know have more than one ranting post about them. Now in retrospect I understand why she read them. She could finish a 'novel' in about 15 minutes which was a huge confidence boost. I also think that they helped her to develop reading stamina. She read about 30 of them in the course of a month and then she played with them. She would stand them up all over the house and reenact the plot. I say plot because they are all the same! This past week she's become fixated on the Baby Sitters Club it's a bit d�j� vu. I think that I'm writing this post to remind myself to relax....


I absolutely agree re the Rainbow Fairies. They became strictly read yourself books in our house because they bore me literally to sleep. But they really did boost dd's confidence with reading and she still picks one up every now and again when she just wants an easy read.

Re the Baby Sitters Club, the principal at dd's school said she hated kids reading them until she realised that they're very grammatically correct and have well formed sentences and then she used them as a learning aid because they were so popular (I have no idea if they are actually grammatically correct and well formed as I haven't looked at them myself, but I took her at her word).

"If children have interest, then education will follow" - Arthur C Clarke