Originally Posted by Irisheyes
I find if I let dd choose books herself, she will always select down from her reading levels (Ivy and Bean, Thea Stilton, graphic novels about various Super Heroes). While I don't mind some of that in terms of reading for pleasure, I do sometimes nudge her to try books I've selected (especially ones I've read about on this site). It's a fine line - because I want her to have some independence to choose what she reads - but I also want her to keep herself challenged.

We do shared reading to address this. She picks her own books to read at night, on Saturdays, etc. otherwise we share a book. She reads a page, I read a page. I am currently reading 'Some of My Best Friends are Books' which is very very helpful. Recently we shared the George books by Lucy and Stephen Hawking. We both loved them. While they are still technically below her reading level, they are a step up from Geronimo Stilton. I'm hoping she will learn to trust/enjoy my choices.