Neat, which book was he assigned? Reminds me of when DS10 was a little guy (1st or 2nd grade, I forget) He wouldn't brush his teeth before bed unless his dad read Hawking's A Brief History of Time out loud while he brushed (there was mega-OCD, stress/anxiety issues going on with the tooth brushing - this was one thing that worked for him. Thankfully we are over that these days!)

at that age DS mostly read adult weather books, almost exclusively non-fiction. He also liked to go to bed with a big calculator and work things out for about 30 min before going to sleep. He only got interested in reading fiction this past year in school. He did read the 1st HP in kindergarten but had more interest in fact than fantasy. He inhaled the entire HP series last quarter, reads a alot of fantasy now.

DD7 is in 2nd grade and is into Judy Moody, Wimpy Kid, Ellie McDoodle, Goonie Bird Greene, Clementine, Just Grace, etc