Originally Posted by Dottie
FWIW, the Lego upper age cut is the important one. The lower cut is a recommendation, rather than a participation requirement. We've found flexibility on that end, especially given DS's grade status.

For things not tied to the school, we've had reasonable exceptions made for DS getting in early based on grade rather than age.

(I'm kind of glad we never ventured into the scouting land, LOL!)

Yes, we've found some flexibility in most things-- but learned never to COUNT on it, since it seems to be mostly a matter of largesse in the moment... and occasionally, as noted, we've run into insurance policies as a reason "why not" with being under the age recommendation.

4H has similar mind-bending language, btw. Very funny stuff-- until you have to try to figure out what it means. wink

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.