Originally Posted by Nautigal
it could well cause a problem for other activities such as Knowledge Bowl, etc. Does anybody have any insight into this issue?
Some kids really enjoy physical competition with agemates, or academic competition. If that's a part of a family's expectations or history, then subject accelerations or grade skips have to be considered very carefully, since each activity has it's own set of rules.

It's tough to weight the day in and day out advantages of an improved placement through subject acceleration or full grade acceleration against the very amazing experience of participating in academic competitions.

I think kids who seem born with great work ethic and the ability for self-differentiation are more of a candidate for going the academic competition route, while kids who are clearly suffering day in and day out in the current placements have to give up future 'possibilities' for 'right now' solutions, that sometimes involve subject or full acceleration. Make sense?

Best Wishes,

Last edited by Grinity; 05/09/11 03:37 AM. Reason: more details

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