Lorel - my DS7 is exactly like your DS. He will have a wonderful time doing something (soccer, a play, etc.) but then not want to do it again the next time it comes around. His problem is not wanting to leave whatever he is doing to go do the other thing. I have definitely given him gentle nudges when I KNOW it is going to be something he will really enjoy. And he always has after he has gotten there. Since you feel he will really enjoy this play I think a gentle nudge would be in order. If he is really,really, really resistant I don't know that I'd force it though. You don't want him turned off of the whole thing. My DS has never gotten really resistant so I haven't had to deal with that. I'm sure you know how far you can push him without upsetting him.

On a side note, I am getting ready to donate my hair too! It has gotten so long and I am ready to do it. Does this mean I should change my avatar too??? LOL!