Unfortunately the private ASD school here is a one-on-one ABA school, and is not appropriate for 2E kids. We literally have no options other than to somehow find another public school in the region (so we can keep our jobs) and then try to sell our house (good luck with that, of course!) and then hope that this new school isn't just as bad. We can also try to get on a waiting list to attend a school not in our district, but I have asked around and around and around and I cannot find a school here that gets high marks for Asperger kids. Most parents and students are dissatisfied and many are homeschooling.

If I had one child, we would move to an apartment or very inexpensive shack somewhere so we could live on one income and homeschool. But I have two children and I can't homeschool them both. They have totally different needs and literally need to be in two different places. The homeschool groups in my area are generally evangelical, and my DS is heavily into science, evolution, etc. We can't be in a group that teaches that the earth is 6,000 years old. So it's just one problem after another. I had no idea before I had kids that schooling would be such a huge, huge problem.