DD6 is in Kindergarten and we're getting ready to meet with her teacher, principal and the gifted counselor about a grade skip to 2nd for next year. Here are some of her numbers


Performance Series Testing (used to find out her grade levels)
Reading 6.4
Langauge Arts 4.9
Math 3.0

The teacher thinks her langauge arts and math is comparatively low as she hasn't had any instruction in them.

Everyone has been in agreement so far that a grade skip is probably the best thing for her with acceleration in at least reading. She'll also attend a pull-out gifted program one day a week. Honestly, our experience with the schools so far has been very positive. I think that's because of her kindy teacher.

My question to everyone out there is 2nd grade going to be enough? Should we be looking at maybe 3rd grade? She'll start on EPGY June 1 so hopefully the math will improve as she's actually exposed to it. I'm beating myself up for not taking this on myself.

Social issues: she's tall for her age, best friend is a 2nd grader now, and is very social. We were worried that she might fly under the radar when she went to school because she is so social and a rule follower. Doesn't act up even when she's bored; just comes home and cries.

Anyway - what are your thoughts?

Last edited by LumberJill; 02/10/15 09:13 PM.