The GT coordinator has stated that, with where her IQ falls alone, she will at a minimum be a "watch and enrich" kid meaning that, while she wouldn't necessarily get a gifted id unless her achievement comes up or something else warrants it, she'd get some attn from the GT coordinator in an effort to get her achievement up.

School#2 doesn't really have much of a GT program in that there is no acceleration for math and limited to no pull out for reading. The GT coordinator comes into the classroom to help work with the kids and the teachers group the kids w/in the classrooms. So, there isn't much to exclude her from.

At school#1 (current school), the kids with a GT label in reading/language arts go to a separate classroom with the GT teacher every day for an hour in replacement of the regular classroom reading block. Otherwise they have no interaction with the GT teacher who doesn't come into classrooms.